Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Steve's foot

Steve's foot is still swollen, but no worse than yesterday.

Because the ultrasound ruled out the worst-case scenario -- deep vein thrombosis -- we're now going to just watch his foot. (He is at high risk for DVT because of the brain tumor and continued use of Avastin.)

We don't think it's a kidney problem -- that would most likely be indicated on his blood work. The swelling could be caused by poor circulation. His left side is the side affected by the tumor. Maybe circulation on that side is affected as well?

If his foot is still swollen next week, we'll ask to see someone from Dr. M's team during chemotherapy.

We are thankful that there is no pain or discomfort with the swelling.

We are also thankful that Steve avoided a hospital stay -- mostly because he didn't require immediate care. Also because:

1. Steve was able to sleep at home. He is the most easy-going person I know, but he will tell you that he hates sleeping at the hospital.

2. Cooper came home and his Daddy was home. Cooper had a rough emotional weekend. He had a great time with many activities -- birthday party; Destination Imagination workshop; time with Uncle Jim, Grandma and Papa; watching the musical Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type. But he also struggles when Steve isn't feeling well. Steve was particularly unstable this weekend. There were many tears on Sunday, and I just couldn't bear the thought of Cooper coming home from school with Steve in the hospital.

3. Yesterday my cold officially because the most painful sinus infection of my life. I had to go to bed before 7, and dear Steve took over the house for the rest of the night. I started taking antibiotics yesterday, and they seem to be working. It no longer hurts to chew, drink, sit up or breathe.

We appreciate all of your good wishes and prayers. We could especially feel your love yesterday. Thank you!

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