I'm getting ready to deliver to our staff bathrooms today. Happy Birthday, Steve!
From Lori in Cross Roads:
I wanted to use my birthday Starbuck's card to bless the front office staff at my kids' school. They show kindness to my kids daily.
I placed my $22 6-drink order and the lady up ahead of me in the drive through paid for my order and told the cashier to tell me to "Have a Blessed Day."
I kind of felt bad, because hopefully she wasn't just wanting to buy a $4 coffee!
So I paid for the order behind me and gave the cashier a Damm Kind note to give to that person along with their order.
I think it would be so fun to work the drive through at Starbuck's and see all of these kind gestures of people paying for each others' orders.
It's obvious that you have prayed over this kindness campaign and I thank you for the opportunity to see the Lord at work.
May God Bless you and your two precious children.
From Teresa in Little Elm:
To the person who paid for our groceries this morning at Kroger’s and left us this note ... thank you! (Looks like someone started early
😊). What a great way to honor the life and memory of your loved one ... by sharing the kindness that is evidently the legacy of his life. Although we were not in need of this blessing, the act of kindness was greatly appreciated and we WILL pass it forward! Blessings to you all! #dammkind

From Skiler in Frisco:
I want my students to know how hard our custodial staff works to make sure our students have the cleanest facilities at school. Before we closed our show last night we all wrote Thank You cards to show our appreciation. Happy Birthday Steve Damm. Today we honor your birthday by spreading kindness in the world. #dammkind
A sweet teacher in Frisco sent cookies to share with her colleagues at Hosp Elementary:
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