Sunday, November 4, 2018

50 Acts of Kindness (5)

From Cathy in Frisco:

Carter has a birthday tomorrow too, he got a soccer ball and a extra ball to give to a friend! The coaches received gatorade bottles but they drank them before I got a pic 😂😂😂#dammkind


From Paul in Ann Arbor, Mich.:

The Things and I (and their buddy Uthman) took balloons to the Memory Care level at University Living, where my mother was a resident for five and a half years. Great to see old friends on the staff again! #dammkind#RandomActsofKindness #menofdodd @ University Living in Ann Arbor


From Emily in Frisco:

Today one of my acts of kindness was sharing 50 Acts of Kindness with my church family and speaking in front of our congregation about Steve and his family. #dammkind


From Byron in San Jose, Calif.:

My 50 Acts of Kindness started today in San Jose stopping at the 7-Eleven near the airport and working with the cashier on the next two customers by taking care of some of their total transactions. #dammkind#50actsofkindness


From Melinda in Frisco:

Brunch at Union Bear! Gave our waitress a large tip. Shared with her Steve's story ❤️

Image may contain: 3 people, including Elizabeth Stallone Watkins, people smiling, indoor


From Kelly in Frisco:

Made Thankful bags to share with special people who have chosen careers that serve others.

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From Jill in Frisco:

Donated new sheets and blankets to The Samaritan Inn today in Steve’s honor. 


From Cathy in Frisco:

Shared a Sonic gift card with 3 people in the Kroger parking lot.#dammkind

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From Kelli in Frisco:

I gave a Chipotle gift card to the nice man working so hard to keep up with all the requests for different shoes and sizes at the Dick's Sporting Goods in Allen.

Brody chose to take pink roses to a teacher fight breast cancer.

We are feeling the Damm love today. 

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