Sunday, November 4, 2018

50 Acts of Kindness (9)

From Kimberly in Frisco:

Avery handed out cupcakes to delighted families in Plano today.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing


From Julianne in Frisco:

I left Rob in Napa today as he has some meetings for the next few days.  He was contemplating what to do for his act of kindness....he ubered from Napa to Sonoma for the next phase of the trip and listened to his driver talk about his 4 kids and how he had recently lost his dad and he knew immediately what he wanted to do so he gave him a really big and unexpected tip and the driver was thrilled.  

I had the aisle seat on the flight back from San Francisco today and my friend Heather had the window and I decided to sit in the dreaded middle seat and let the person who was supposed to sit there have my aisle seat.  The guy was giddy when he realized his good luck and said he was going to go buy some lottery tickets today because it had turned into such a lucky day.  It was fun to spread some joy in honor of Steve Damm today!


From Jana in Frisco:

Handed out flowers to a couple residents at Watermere. 


From Christy in Frisco:

Left our waiter some extra 
“fun”-ds on our check. #dammkind #50actsofkindness


From Kelly in Frisco:

Bought breakfast for a sweet couple at Barneys Brunch House then brought flowers to the Frisco YMCA. Love spreading the love of the Damm Family. Kindness Matters! #dammkind #50actsofkindess


From Meenakshi in Frisco:

Handed out a gift card to a waiter at Olive Gardens #dammkind


From Jasmine in Frisco:

We gave a Visa gift card to the cashier in Walmart


From Donna in Frisco:

Paid for a stranger’s manicure today! So fun! 💅💗🎉

Image may contain: one or more people

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