Tuesday, November 3, 2020

52 Acts of Kindness (1)

Big thanks to folks who started the party early!


Amanda in Frisco:

Service is 100% my love language. We love supporting this call to kindness #DammKind in honor of a neighbor/teacher/friend's late husband. This year we supported a local animal shelter by donating blankets. How can you show a little kindness? #MoreLoveLessHate #Dammkind


Kelly in Frisco:

Taking Starbucks to one of her favorite teachers ❤️


Kristine in Frisco:

Made chili for a friend who recently had surgery


Klara in Frisco:

Hi Mrs. Damm, I hope you are doing well and have had a good weekend. I wanted to share that my friend Amy and I have decided to do a small act of kindness. We know that this is a hard time in the world, so we wanted to spread some positivity. We made over 250 index cards with an uplifting message on each and put them on people's front doors. It was so much fun and it brought a smile to a few faces, including ours. Thank you for letting us participate in this positive event.
Sincerely, Klara


Rashmi in Frisco:

Our family has been supporting a friend and his little daughter who lost his wife last year. The kid spends most weekends at our house. Last weekend she couldn’t come and she couldn’t go trick or treating either. Nived picked out all her favorite candies from his collection after trick or treat and made a bag for her. It was nice to see the smile on her face. 


Madison in Frisco:

Happy November!!!  

It’s #dammkind season, and I hope you donut ever forget how important you all are!  

Happy Monday! 


Cindy in Frisco:

Today another Aggie and I met up with an unemployed Aggie to pay off their Aggie ring for which they had pawned. Several others helped with the funding, and it was one of the most amazing times.


Katherine in Frisco:

Did mine early...HUGE tip to the hard working people at the car wash today. The guys eyes looked like saucers. Felt good!  #DAMMKIND


Bonnie in Dallas:

I've been taking food to shut-ins. Please add it to Acts of Kindness. Prayers for you always and your family.


Rae in Carrollton:

So I started a day early and hand delivered some Aldi gift cards to people in the store. I taped the card to it for people to read. Though I was able to visit with one lady who was thrilled, since she had just done a kindness yesterday to someone in need. Thanks again for your amazing contribution to us all in remembering your Steve!❤️❤️

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sanjana Shyam in Frisco
Hi, I go to Pearson middle school and for my act of kindness, I helped a friend with their school work. Stay strong Ms. Damn