Wednesday, November 4, 2020

52 Acts of Kindness (9)

A friend:

Ok, friend. Here is what your dear husband inspired in me. A braver, more generous heart to be sure. Honestly, Dammkind was the catalyst for me to get out of my own way and just be more vulnerable with my giving.  I was hooked after that first gesture, and this year, I decided to start early. So I’ve been making these little treasures to give to colleagues. I don’t think people are used to this kind of thing so it’s super fun to just do it out of the blue. 


Stuart in Rowlett:

$100 to North Texas Food Bank in memory of Steve Damm


Sarah and John in Richardson:

Donation to the North Texas Food Bank


Katrina in Frisco:

We made a donation to the NTFB on 11/4th in memory of Steve. And the really exciting part is that the donation will be tripled because of a matching gift! 


Amy in Dallas:

Last night:

Left a children’s book on a bench outside of Howdy Homemade Ice Cream and Village Burger Bar. I saw this idea in your earlier it

Have a friend struggling with the political climate, so I created a custom online jigsaw puzzle to keep her mind busy when she has some downtime. 

Ran out this evening to spread some more kindness.

First stop:
Delivered coconut mojitos to the front porches of old friends we haven’t seen in awhile. 

Then to Trader Joe’s in Inwood Village:

- A few weeks ago, the Trader Joe’s staff did something unexpected for me when I found out a friend had passed while I was checking out. I decided to repay their act of kindness with a donation in their honor to “Okay to Say”—a public awareness campaign to destigmatize mental illness. We left them a card with a #DammKind tag. 

- We purchased some bouquets of sunflowers and handed them out to shoppers. (Regretfully, we didn’t get photos of the flowers.)


Melissa in San Antonio:

I brought cookies & treats to my new neighbors & became a sustaining donor to PBS so far! 


Stephanie in Frisco:

We have been looking forward to celebrating Mr. Damm’s life and legacy at home tonight. We cleaned out bedroom and coat closets and look forward to dropping off donations tomorrow. 


Nancy in Dallas:

I brought a new picture book ("For Spacious Skies") with me to the dog park where I walked my dog, and when I saw a young girl walking her dog with her parents, I asked her parents’ permission to give her the book and the #DammKind 52 Acts of Kindness card. I told them about Steve. They were happy with the book and happy to give me a chance to be kind for Steve. Thank you for honoring Steve this way every year. Love to the whole #DammKind family. 🎂❤️


Kelli in Frisco:

Made a donation to Refresh Frisco in Steve’s name. 🎂 Hugs to you, Cooper and Katie🥰


Heather in Frisco:

Was not my original plan for today, but I didn’t want the day to go by without showing some unexpected kindness.... Hope this little surprise brought a smile to our Chuy’s waitress tonight.

Look forward to catching up on all the love being spread around the world in the name of Steve. :)

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