Monday, November 4, 2019

51 Acts of Kindness (7)

From Reena in Frisco:

So blessed to be part of Acts of Kindness! Navvya baked and shared cookies for families and staff of BeeHive Homes of Frisco


From Haley in Lille, France:

Brought homemade oatmeal scotchies to work for my colleagues at the University. Many of them are expat Americans teaching English in France, so I think they'll enjoy them (as you see by the hand reaching for one in the picture!). I bet they're all gone by now! Happy birthday, Steve. Love to all the Damms. ♥️


From Laura in Mansfield:

Hi Tyra! This event really brightens up a Monday. I channeled Steve’s love of running and sent gift cards to our track coach. I also had gift cards for a science teacher, our longtime babysitter and a friend who is an inspiring mom and teacher.


From a friend:

While visiting our younger daughter in Stillwater, OK, at the grocery store I gave three college kids in line behind us $5 each. While visiting our older daughter daughter in San Marcos, TX, I made a goodie bag full of girlie things for her roommate. I included gum, face mask, lip balm, hand lotion, etc. She had been sick and had gone home for the weekend. We left it in front of her bedroom door for her to find.


From Jamie in Carrollton:

Panera gift cards for co-workers, cookies for the always-cheerful reception and security team and a nice to the Panera delivery driver.


From Aunt Marilyn in Charlottesville, Va.:

To celebrate the life of my nephew, Steve Damm, I donated pre-packaged boxes of food to our local food bank and, so the critters wouldn't feel left out, I took (many) cans of dog and cat food to our local SPCA. I also plan to repay an act of kindness shown to me by the sweet cashier at Kroger who gave me 50 cents out of her own pocket rather than make me rewrite my check for the third time by giving her a Starbucks gift card the next time I'm in the store. Happy Birthday Steve! We all miss you! 


From Wendy in Frisco:

I bought lunch for a random stranger and gave a well deserved larger than usual tip to a hard working Frisco kid at Kroger in honor of Steve. Cody and I are grateful to be inspired by this special day. #dammkind


From Kyla in Frisco:


From Beth in Richardson: 

I donated to the North Texas Food Bank in honor of Steve and my mom, who share a birthday. Thank you, Tyra, Cooper and Katie for making this a day of blessings.


From Jackie in McKinney:

Freddy’s Custard for sweet neighbors.  #DammKind 51 Acts of Kindness


From Erin in Frisco:

I bought donuts for our amazing staff!

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