Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Changing prism

Steve outside the Aston Clinic, wearing protective glasses post-dilation

Yesterday was our monthly visit with Dr. M, Steve's opthamologist. It was the shortest visit so far -- we were in and out in 90 minutes.

Steve's vision has changed a bit, so the opthamology staff switched out the prism that snaps behind his glasses' right lens. The new prism has improved his ability to see out of his right eye. The image is slightly hazy but not near as blurry as it was before. He still has double vision if he doesn't look straight ahead, but prisms aren't going to fix that. We need the sixth cranial nerve to repair!

We asked about getting the prism ground into his lenses, which would reduce some distortion. That won't happen for a while, as they expect his vision will fluctuate often. We'll most likely return to the office every month to check his vision and switch out for a new prism if necessary.

Want to read some great news? Steve doesn't have a scheduled medical appointment until Oct. 22! That is the longest stretch without a doctor's visit since our adventure began last December. He will need to have blood drawn weekly to check counts, but he's able to get that done at his office.

The goal is keep him healthy. We don't want any surprise doctor appointments or emergency room visits.

Aunt Ami arrived from Austin today -- in time for me to get out of town. I'm joining Liz, Kris and Holly for a short getaway to Montana and Banff. I have mixed feelings leaving. Steve and I haven't been separated for any length of time for more than a year, and I never like leaving Cooper and Katie. I won't deny, though, that I'm looking forward to a small break. The trip is made easier knowing that Steve and the children will be cared for so well by Ami, Jim & Betty and other friends who are pitching in. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Steve looks great in this pic! And fantastic news about no doctor's appointments until late October!
Have a great time in Montana. Please tell the state that I love it and hope to see it soon. :)

Laura said...

Enjoy it, Tyra. You definitely deserve a little pampering girl time!

Andy said...

Those fancy dark glasses that Steve is wearing should help confuse the paparazzi. Have a great time in Montana Tyra!