Saturday morning Cooper joined the rest of his Cub Scout pack for the annual Pinewood Derby. This was his third year to compete. He and I built his car together at a workshop, and I quietly just hoped the car wouldn't place last in every heat. (I wrote about our derby experience for Briefing last month.)
Cooper's car placed third among his rank! That allowed his speedy red car to advance to the finals. The competition there was tough, but we were truly thrilled just to make it that far.
He had very little time between the derby and a Destination Imagination workshop and then an indoor soccer game.
The Dolphins have had a tough indoor season. In fact, they hadn't scored a goal all season -- until Saturday night.
Cooper and his longtime buddies won 12-0!
Cooper was ecstatic over the win. But he couldn't shake a feeling of sadness for the other team. He told me frequently throughout the night that he felt badly for the other players and that he knows how hard it is to lose.
Sunday morning he served as acolyte for the 8:30 worship service. It was his second time ever in the role.
Cooper takes the acolyte job very seriously. He walks slowly and deliberately with the flame. He carries the offering plate to the altar with sincere reverence.
After the service, many folks approached him to compliment his contribution.
Our friend Bob told Cooper that in the 20-plus years he's attended Holy Covenant, he's never seen anyone do such a fine job as acolyte. And that his Daddy must have been smiling from heaven.
Cooper was appreciative and then quick to reply, "Actually, I think Daddy was right here on the front row. Or standing right there by the altar!"
Steve isn't with us in the flesh, but there's no doubt that his spirit and never-ending love surround us daily.
1 comment:
Way to go Cooper!
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