Sunday, August 8, 2010

Steve's trees

Katie and Cooper before the planting on Thursday (and just after Cooper's mouth was fitted with top and bottom expanders)

Four new trees fill a triangular green space that I've never really noticed before, though I've parked near it almost every Sunday and many other weekdays over the past decade.

The space before the trees

You can't miss that section of our church's lawn now.

The trees were planted Thursday in memory of Steve. Cooper, Katie and I helped to plant one of them -- a beautiful chinkapin oak.

Well, "helped" is used loosely. After the professionals dug the hole and rolled the tree into place, we used shovels and our hands to return some of the soil to the hole. We watered the roots a little.

Cooper replaces soil -- or, more accurately, clay. If you've ever lived in North Texas, you understand.

Katie waters the freshly planted chinkapin oak.

We let the landscapers completely take care of the three live oaks. (I realized how little we were actually contributing to the project. Plus, both Katie and I get a little cranky in August's extreme heat and humidity.)

The children and I have agreed that though all the trees are in memory of Steve, the chinkapin is officially "Steve's tree." We parked right in front of it this morning, and Cooper and Katie gently hugged the trunk.

In the next few weeks, we'll also place a stone bench on the lawn, and Pastor Andy will officially dedicate the space. (I'll post details here; everyone is welcome to join us.)

The trees in that space are appropriate for many reasons. Steve loved our church. He loved trees. He believed in planting Texas natives in Texas. He was a burgeoning conservationist.

It will be even more comforting when the bench is in place and we can have an official spot to remember Steve.

(Special thanks to Susan, Andy and Mike for logistics and planning.)

Steve's four trees

Cooper and Katie this morning

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