Sunday, September 12, 2010

Memorial service

A year ago today a few hundred people gathered to celebrate Steve's life. So, it's about time that I finish posting audio from that beautiful, love-filled day. (Today's links are below and are also permanently stored on the right side of the page.)

My friend and Cooper's guidance counselor, Angie, attended the Steve Damm Spot dedication service this week at our church. She shared with me the next day a precious conversation she overheard.

Cooper's friend Asher said something like, "Cooper, just look at all these people here who knew your Daddy."

Cooper replied, "Yeah, but do you remember all the people at the funeral party?!"

I love that Cooper's memories of Sept. 12, 2009, are mostly happy. Mine are, too, though I admit to shedding many tears this afternoon as I listened again to the service.

I also fell in love again with sweet, silly, funny, smart, amazing Superman Steve.

1 comment:

Deidre and Melane said...

SuperSteve's Memorial Service was amazing, beautiful and inspiring. It was a direct reflection of the life he lead. I was terrified of "that" day long before it came, but I feel blessed and grateful of the positive memories I have of his special service.