Thursday, May 29, 2014

Family ties

My closet is a mess. Really. It has been for years, and it's way up high on my list of projects to tackle this summer, when I'm not in professional development courses or soaking up free time with Cooper and Katie.

It's an emotional minefield in there, partly because the closet still contains much of Steve's wardrobe. (I have donated some items.) And partly because the closet still contains clothes -- way in the back -- that I wore from when Steve and I were first married, items he bought me, items that recall special memories.

(I know that this admission must make crazy my most organized friends, my friends who sort through and toss out items every six months. I'm sorry.)

The closet includes Steve's colorful tie collection.

Now that Cooper is just about 6 feet tall, he needs adult ties. The child ones are too short. Instead of shopping, we can forage through Steve's stuff.

Cooper tonight performed in the Pioneer Heritage band concert. His band's final number was a jazzy tune, "Blast from the Past," and his director requested that musicians wear snazzy hats and sunglasses. And boys were allowed to wear fun ties, instead of the usual dress black.

Doesn't he look smashing in his daddy's tie?

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