Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

We celebrated a glorious day as a family.

For the first time in months, all four of us attended church together. Steve hasn't felt well enough or energetic enough in a long while, but he rested and stored energy all weekend. The reward was great.

His many, many church friends were thrilled to see him. Steve was radiant -- he obviously was at home and at peace.

After Sunday school and services we journeyed to Dallas for an indoor egg hunt (it was muddy outside), lunch and fun with Jim, Betty and Uncle Jim.

Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.
(Romans 12:12)


Laura said...

So happy to hear it was a glorious day. You most definitely deserved it!!!

Anonymous said...

You are daily teaching me to do these things. Thank you and thanks be to God who knows us and lays His hands on us day by day.

DogBlogger said...

Oh, so glad to hear about your wonderful Easter! Hallelujah!

chapman.d said...

It was so great to see you yesterday. Hope it didn't tire you too much. I was thinking during the service that it is the hope that we get through the life and death of Christ that sustains us while coping with what life throws at us. I could only wish for half of your strength. You are both such a blessing.