Tuesday, July 21, 2009


No updates in a few days is a good thing! Steve has had no more bleeding since Friday morning.

He's had the normal ups and downs -- very tired one day, a little more energy the next; can barely walk with the walker one morning, walking better in the afternoon. Today he is more short of breath than yesterday, but we're not worried.

His left side isn't exactly useless, but it is rather floppy. We've been joking that his left arm looks and behaves like a Muppet's arm.

Yesterday I lovingly called him a "Merson" -- half Muppet, half person.

Steve called himself a "Mude" -- half Muppet, half dude.

Facebook friends added their own fun versions.

From Kevin:
"Mutha" -- half Muppet, half brutha
"Mellow" -- half Muppet, half fellow

From Chrys:
"Mud" -- half Muppet, half stud

Feel free to add your own version in the comments.


Meredith said...

Mubby - muppet hubby!

Anonymous said...

Muphero = muppet HERO

Rebecca said...

Mrince = Muppet + prince!

Rebecca said...

Muperstar = Muppet + Superstar!